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DSCN2073July 11 – We left a bit earlier than planned but everything worked out well today as there was mile after mile of construction on Rt. 3 from Fairbanks to Denali.  The majority of the construction was on the Denali end of this portion of Rt. 3.  Every time we got to a break in the pavement one of the construction crew would flip his sign to stop.  We had to wait 10-15 minutes until the pilot vehicle showed up.  Leaving a bit earlier than planned got us to the Denali RV Park & Motel right about where I planned.  We wanted enough time to take a ride down the first 15 miles of the park road (the rest of the road is only for tour buses or campers with permits).  Afterwards we stopped in at the Princess Lodge (part of the Princess Cruise Line) and ate at Lynx Creek Pizza.  Sean loved their pizza and ate two whole slices and then had some cinnamon pizza sticks.  Brian recommends the cookie pizza with ice cream for desert.

Tomorrow we head into the park for a long ride (92 miles).  We still have a few animals to see before our list is complete.  Brian would like to see a wolf.  Nana would like to see a bull moose.  I would like to see Caribo.  Sean just wants me to bring the extra batteries for his Ipad.

Take care Y’all