North to …..

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….Alaska!  The kids and I are gearing up for this summers trip.  Currently we are planning to rush through Canada to get to Alaska and then on the way home stop and see the Canadian sites.  Here is our current temporary itinerary.  I am searching through blogs and books trying to find alternative locations for a plan b.  I plan to stay at least once in a Walmart or pull off just so the boys get the experience.

June 14 – Arrive at Loudonville, OH after a 6 hour drive.  We might change this to a 3 hour drive by camping in PA or MD on Friday night.

June 15 – Arrive at North Utica, IL after a 7 hour drive.

June 16 – Arrive at Granada, MN after a 6 hour drive.  June 17th is a rest day.

June 18 – Arrive at Bemidji, MN after a 6.5 hour drive.

June 19 – Border Crossing – Arrive at St. Francois Xavier, MB 4.5 hour drive

June 20 – Arrive at Indian Head, SK after a 5.5 hour drive.  June 21 is a rest day

June 22 – Arrive at Brooks, AB after a 6.5 hour drive

June 23 – Lake Louise   4 hours

June 24  – Valemount, BC   4.5 hours

June 25 & 26- Vanderhoof, BC  4.5 hours

June 27 – Hazelton, BC  4 hours

June 28 – Stewert, BC  4 hours

June 29 & 30- Iskut, BC  4 hours

July 1 – Watson Lake, YT 5.5 hours

July 2 – Carcross, YT  5.5 hours

July 3 – Destruction Bay, YT 4.5 hours

July 4 – Tok, AK! 5 hours

We haven’t set anything in stone and I want to start making reservations. I need to figure out where I need to shorten my drive times.  I am sure that there will be plenty of road work and tourist attractions that will need to be calculated in. We will probably skip the Columbia Ice Field on the way up to Alaska and use that day to travel so we can shorten the daily drive times for the last week of the trip to AK.

Later Y’all!

Alaska Bound