We have had a busy few days. We are on the west coast near Pismo Beach.

We had a few uneventful days crossing into Arizona and then stopping in Barstow Cali where the temp was 106. Even better it was laundry day with no ac or fan in the campgeound laundry room.

I figured out a temporary way to filter campground water. Next year I hope just to put a filtered
dispenser in at the sink. I had purchased an inline filter but it keeps leaking and I don’t like to waste water. In the meantime I have to put the filter in the sink and stuff things around it to protect it.
Today we head to Irvine to pick up my 2 nieces and my nephew. It’s not many miles but there is a huge increase in traffic so it will be a bit stressful as I expect to be cut off quite a bit. Most stressful time will be trying to get into a gas station with the trailer attached. While traveling we can easily use travel stops which are much larger gas stations. Quite a bit different from a 4 pump gas station in a city with a large dip entering and exiting the station. What fun!
Take care y’all and here are a few random pictures from today.