Oz.. here we come

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We will soon be traveling to the land down under. Pat has a conference in Sydney, Australia. We won’t be there long as Sean has school and Brian has a job interview (fingers crossed).

The flight is very long so we decided to stop and visit my best friend in Abu Dhabi for one day before arriving in Sydney. Her daughter, Bella, has her birthday on the 24th and mine is the 26th so we will have a small celebration. Pat has never visited AD before and Sean hasn’t visited since he was 3. Brian visited last year over spring break and we had time to see quite a bit. This visit is going to be just to a local mall and then dinner with friends as we only have Saturday to visit. Sunday we head out for out last leg to Australia.

We will arrive Monday very early to Sydney and will head to our AirBNB which is located North Bondi with beautiful beach views. Our fall is their spring so we are lucky and won’t have to switch seasonal clothes. I do think I am the only one bringing a swimsuit. We will only have Monday – Wednesday to sight see. Pat’s conference is Thursday morning. Thursday early evening we head to New Zealand.

Friday we have a tour guide to see some sites around Auckland. Saturday is the day we are really excited about. We get to go see Hobbiton where LOTR (Lord of the Ring) and the Hobbit movies were filmed. We are all excited to see it. Well maybe not Brian.

We are sad we will only have time to get a small taste of each country, but we have to get back for Sean’s school.