First trip. First night

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It’s 5am and I am trying to stay quiet as I write this. The boys and I have spent our first night in the trailer!

We moved the trailer to Bull Run Park yesterday so we would be able to load up the trailer. This first load is the roughest due to the amount of stuff. Kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, kids stuff, clothes. I will post a list and let you know at the end of the big trip what we didn’t need to bring.

It’s kinda like when we first moved into our house. Everything was moved in with bags and boxes. It was a bit overwhelming. I decided to get the kids comfy first and I made up their beds. They love the bunk beds and were calling it the SB Club. It has a curtain so it feels like a cave. But, if their happy, I’m happy. I will try to post some pictures later.

I originally planned on making pancakes for them this morning but I apparently forgot to pack dish soap. Sigh. They get a breakfast of graham crackers.

Brian is now also awake. I guess I’m not quiet enough. He wants to know everything now. Who sleeps where? What will we be eating? When will we get there? And most importantly, who gets to sit in the cool seats in the back of Nav.

Off to wake up Sean. He gets to lead us to the bathrooms this morning. Brrrr! Did I mention it’s 40 degrees outside.
