Wicked smaht

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Day 4 – June 18 today we traveled to Cambridge to see MIT before we headed to Boston where I was thrilled to meet up with a great friend and her family. They toured the aquarium while I took the boys on a duck boat tour. They loved the tour. I was a bit sad because I was on the wrong side and didn’t get as many pictures as I would have liked. My favorite part is going out on the water.


After walking around and viewing all the items for sale in the markets,  we headed off to Cheers. Both boys enjoyed their burgers while I had a turkey sandwich with a pretzel roll. We all had a fantastic time watching Hayden eating a lemon. He loved making us laugh with his sour faces he was making.


After saying our goodbyes,  the boys and I headed to The Liberty hotel. It was cool because part of it used to be the jail,  but the over priced valet and room service made us wish we stayed in our Hampton Inn standby.  The majority of the trip (USA portion)  we have stayed in Hampton Inns or other Hilton family hotels. We definitely do not recommend this hotel.

Tomorrow we are off to NH.

Take care y’all