Day 4

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June 17 –  Today we headed to Rhode Island. We had 2 goals today. First goal was to visit the Castle Hill Lighthouse in Newport.  Second was to take Sean to see Finding Dory. 

We had a beautiful drive to Newport.  Sunshine and 80 degrees with a breeze. Unfortunately,  we didn’t make it to the lighthouse.  There was some sort of sailing event and the road to the lighthouse was packed. Instead,  we drove around to visit Breton Point State Park and then we drove around looking at the mansions. I had a good laugh when Brian said he would like it if we retired there. I told him that unless he was going to rake in some money it wouldn’t happen any time soon.


After leaving Newport we headed into Providence to stop at Providence Place Mall to see Finding Dory. Massive mall and we were a bit lost trying to figure out where to go to find the theater. Sean thoroughly enjoyed the movie and giggled often.

Tomorrow we head to Boston where we will meet up with a friend who move here from Virginia. 

Later y’all
