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July 29 – We finally (officially) reached Washington, we aren’t counting our trip to Mt. St. Helens as we didn’t drive our motorhome across the line yet. After reaching our KOA (very tight campground), I unhooked the jeep and ran around trying to find vanilla cupcakes for Sean. 

Sean turned 13 on July 30 and we celebrated with a few gifts and some homemade cupcakes. I  just glad he enjoyed them and they turned out ok. Since we havent baked in the convection oven before, I was a bit worried.

  After he had his birthday cupcake for breakfast, we  headed to downtown Seattle. I purchased tickets to ride up the space needle which we did after we went on a duck tour. I have to give the tour guide props, he did a great job entertaining us and he didn’t even sound like he was tired of givinf it constantly.   

Both boys really enjoyed going from the road to the water and back to the shore. It was the best part of our day. 

Tomorrow – the mountain!

Take care y’all