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July 7

There is just something about Disney that is just like coming home for us. We know what to expect and are rarely surprised, and when we are it’s a good thing. Pat decided to get a tour guide for today and we met him, Aaron, at the Grand Californian Hotel. 

  We first went to California Adventures. Our first ride was in Radiator Springs. I could have sat there all day just looking at the buildings. You can see Aaron sitting behind me on the ride. He was like the energizer bunny, he kept us going all day. 

  We road space mountain to see how it was different from the FL version. We did skip the Matterhorn (pictured above). I was dragging at this point. 
Brian invited Aaron on the teacup ride since I was in the bathroom. He graciously accepted and he kept the kids laughing the entire time. If you decide to get a tour guide for Disneyland, he is definitely the one you want.  

We did over 24k steps according to my fitbit. Over 10k more steps than at Universal. Thankfully for our last night, our cousins came over to the rv and we picked up five guys to eat for dinner. Their kids and my kids ended up playing smash brothers on the Wii. Kat and Rachel rocked it out and played to win!  Someone has to beat Sean, Brian and I haven’t been able to!  

Carol told Brian about how they used to make late night Krispy Kreme donut runs and after taking Lee home they came back and picked him up for some just cousins sugar splurging. 

I really do have the best cousins! They both opened their homes to all of us. 

Take care y’all