Down on the Farm 

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Knottsberry Farm that is. I haven’t been here in 30 years and it has definitely changed. We had the pleasure of my soul-sister cousin Sarah to guide us throughout the park. She took us to all the best rides and made sure we ate where the best burgers are. 

Sarah and I both love animals and reading!  I used to always carry a book with me everywhere I went. I still have some of my favorite books from my childhood stashed in my house (they are my precious ). Now I carry a kindle so I never run out of books to read. 


 The boys went on Knott’s version of the tea cups and Sarah graciously went with them. I usually go on but my head was pounding (realized later I was dehydrated).  We also took a genuine stage coach ride which I have never done before!  

  Afterwards we all met back at my cousins and had grilled burgers and some delicious pies. 

Take care y’all