Northern Nights

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July 22 – We are heading towards Valdez (pronounced Val-deez unless you want to be laughed at).  Since we are traveling on roads that we don’t know the conditions of, we have decided to only do a three hour trip today.  Once you factor in stopping in pullouts for scenic views (and not so scenic potty breaks) and slowing down for road conditions, our trip took about four hours and fifteen minutes.  We chose to stay at Northern Nights located in Glennallen.  This is a nice stopping spot for the night.  We were able to fill up at a gas station just a bit before the campground and across from the gas station is an IGA for groceries.

Brian and I did discover that the IGA is about 1.6 miles from the campground as we walked there.  We both thought my mom said it was a short walk to IGA.  Turns out it’s a bit more than a short walk.  Brian decided to get a cookie ice cream sandwich to enjoy on the long walk back.  As long as the walk was, I enjoyed having time to spend with just Brian.

Tomorrow we will head off to Valdez.

Later Y’all