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Saturday, June 15th we stayed at Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch and Campground.  The boys were thrilled to arrive as we had a 6 hour drive to get here and we had a 10 mile backup that took forever to get through.  We all needed to stretch our legs when we arrived and unfortunately it took a few hours before we would be able to relax.

The campground is wooded and hilly and we all loved the feel of the place.  However, there are several wooden split rail style fences around the area.  Now, in a place that is big rig friendly (think RV movie) you would think they would realize what a hazard the fences are.  The fences give some ambiance, however, I prefer my trailer to not have to go through an obstacle course. I ended up hitting the back of the trailer on the fence and boy are they sturdy.  It pulled off the corner piece and twisted the right rear stabilizer.

We had several helpful “neighbors” stop by to offer advice on what to do next as we were still in the middle of the road.  We ended up unhooking the trailer from the truck and repositioning the truck so I could pull away from the fence without further damage.  For some reason while we were unhooking none of us thought to put chocks on the trailer, well it slid back 3 feet and stopped.  Thankfully no one was hurt (other than pride).  We finally moved down to another spot (much easier to get in) and started to settle in.

The kids and I discussed horse back riding for the next day.  We decided to bike down to the horses so Sean could become familiar with them and I could judge whether I thought he would be too fearful of them.  The ride down was great and both boys greeted the horses (and a mule).  I helped them feed them some carrots and we told them we would be back the following day.  Did I mention the campground was in a hilly location?  Let me tell you that riding a tandem bike up 2 very steep hills was hard.  I finally gave up and walked the bike up the hills.  Sean even got off the tandem and helped me push.  You must be wondering about Brian.  Well, he was cruising on his ELECTRIC bike.  He didn’t even break a sweat.  He was nice enough to carry our water for us.

Tomorrow is a day of horses, laundry and marshmallows. How’s that for a combo!