Sunday, Sunday

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June 23

I am finally admitting that I am not going to get my kids to participate in this blog as I planned.  As much as I feel it would be good to learn a few new computer skills and keep their writing skills sharp, I would rather get some sleep.  I am way too tired to have to get on them about writing down their thoughts.  Today is a rest day for all of us.


Sean’s new school ID



We all decided to go see the new Monsters University movie.  It was a major hit for all of us.  I have learned that I need to always bring a blanket or jackets with me.  Both boys were freezing about 1/3 of the way through the movie.

My college roommate lives here with her husband (military) and her two kids.  They recommended the Alamo Drafthouse.  I have to admit it was a great choice.  The seats are wider and more comfortable.  Best of all, they serve real food.  You can still get nacho’s and popcorn, but you can also get a burger and a huge soda.  Best of all, the prices were totally reasonable.  I don’t know if thats just in the TX locations or if the prices are reasonable all over.



After the movie, we scooted over to visit my roommate and her family.  They are currently helping to watch a rescue dog being fostered.  The actual foster family had a trip scheduled so she stepped in to help out.  Minnie is an adorable 6 month dog with the worse case of mange I have ever seen.  She is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met.  Good thing I am forbidden from having another dog (not to mention 6 weeks of traveling left).

In the pics you will see Brian feeding the wild deer some corn.  The previous home owners used to feed the deer a few nights a week.