Silver Linings

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Ya know as much as Brian pushes my buttons he can really be sweet and helpful.  All day today he has been very helpful.  I think the trailering life agrees with him.  Today (June 27) we headed to Arkansas and to Catherine’s Landing.  I tried to get everyone out up to get ready as I wanted to leave early as I knew it was going to pour at some point on our journey.

I think todays highlight was when both kids actually put down their ipads when we were crossing the Mississippi River.  I don’t think they expected it to be as large as it is.  Right after we crossed into Arkansas, the skies opened up and it kept pouring on and off for the next hour.

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Catherine’s was fairly easy to get to although it would benefit from some additional signs beyond the one on the highway.  I had already checked some park reviews so I was aware of the lack of shade (its a new campground).  They have planted trees but its going to take a long time until they grow enough for shade.  We have an awning so I figure we will be fine.  Provided it doesn’t keep raining.  We went out to eat as the fridge is broken and I had to throw out all perishables.  On the way back to the trailer it started to rain. I spent most of our time searching for a place that had time to look at our fridge.  Nothing was available until mid-july.  So we decided to go to Texas a bit early and decided to leave the next day after visiting the Alligator farm.


Brian loves goats, until they jump up at him.

I have to say that I wish we hadn’t gone here.  It was pretty sad and smelled horribly.  I felt bad for the two wolves and two mountain lions.  You could tell they were totally bored in their small enclosures.  It was pretty obvious that people were questioning the care of the animals as there was a large sign at the exit stating how the animals are loved and cared for by a veterinary team when needed.  I am hoping our trip to Jellystone Park in Tyler, TX makes up for the farm.



We didn’t know that spring training for baseball started here.

I was the only one brave enough to hold an alligator

I was the only one brave enough to hold an alligator