Homer..and we don’t mean Simpson

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P1060261July 17 – We took a four hour drive from Anchorage down to Homer.  It was a lovely drive.  We occasionally were able to see the volcanoes across the cook inlet.  The first view of the spit in Homer is breathtaking if you have a clear day.  We stayed at Heritage RV Park for two days. This campground offers driving spaces that face the water.  Our first night Nana chose to sleep in the drivers seat to watch the view instead of sleeping.  If you are in the mood for a great restaurant we highly recommend AJ’s Oldtown Steakhouse & Tavern.  This kids loved their burgers and fries while Pat and I enjoyed our steaks.  Nana, as usual, ordered seafood and really enjoyed it.

IMG_0216July 18 – The most exciting part of our trip was taking the boys salmon fishing on the Kenai river.  We have never fished for salmon before.  I have only fished in lakes and deep sea fishing.  We were fishing for sockeye salmon with just weights and bare hooks.  We were originally scheduled for noon but received “THE CALL” at 6 am that their first boat caught their limit and we were up.  We scrambled to get ready and headed out to Soldotna which is 1.5 hours north of Homer.  We chose Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker. Our guide was Derek and he was fantastic.  He made sure that we all had a great time.  Sean now loves fishing and we always knew that Brian liked it.  We each caught our limit and we finished within 2.5 hours.  We were very fortunate to have such great weather and to have a guide who knew just the right spot.  We did get our fish vacuum packed and flash frozen for us so we can take it home and split the goods up between family and friends.  The boys like it so much they have asked to fish again.

Later Y’all