Good Friends & Good Fun!

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DSCN2591July 15 – We arrive in Anchorage! For the last week we have been hearing people telling us that the Golden Nugget in Anchorage is not a good place to stay.  We almost changed our plans to stay there and we are glad we didn’t.  I am not sure if we lucked out on our spot (#109) or if we just have totally different expectations than others.

We had a level gravel site with full hookups that we backed into.  I was happy to see the site across from me was empty as it helped me to back in very easily.  It was only empty as we arrived at 1pm.  I believe if we arrived early evening the empty site would have been full, but I still could have backed into the space fairly easily.  The only time I felt it was tight was about 6pm when everyone seemed to come back to the campground after the days activities.  Some sites had more than one vehicle parked there and parked one on the road which could cause it to be tight to get in at night.  Their washrooms were excellent.  Nana did a ton of laundry.  While we do have a washer and dryer in the RV, we prefer to wash jeans and towels at the campground laundry as they have a better dryer.

Our first afternoon here we went to the tourist area down by the water. We ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe, bought a few shirts and looked at some tourist gift shops.  I decided that the kids weren’t going to last (and neither would Pat) so I dropped them off at the trailer.  Half an hour later I was back where I left Nana and she was gone!  What was even worse was her leaving her cell phone in the RV to charge it.  Forty-five minutes later she comes back to where I left her.  After a discussion about never making me worry like that again, we went over to visit my best friends cousin, Sabrina.  She is the owner of Salon Demetri.  If you are in Anchorage I highly recommend stopping by to see her.  The salon is just outside of Nordstrom which is connected to the Mall.  Sabrina suggested we eat dinner at Simon & Seafort’s.  If you have a chance to eat here, and don’t mind dropping some money, the food is fantastic.  There was an hour wait to get in so we ate at the bar.  My filet was fabulous and my mom loved her salmon.  She still loves the salmon she had at Sourdough Campground in Tok more.

IMG-20140716-WA0002July 16 – Today Brian, Sean, and Pat headed out to Palmer, AK to do an ATV excursion.  According to Pat, this was a much better, and more rugged trip.  All of them totally loved this trip and highly recommend it.  We found them through the toursaver coupon book that we purchased to use in AK.

P1050724While the boys were playing, Nana and I went just down the road from the boys to the Musk Ox Farm.  Nana really enjoyed learning more about the Musk Ox.  She also enjoyed checking out the gift store as well.  She seems to think that they are cute.  Apparently we have totally different definitions of cute.

IMG_0118We all met back at the RV and Nana was nice and watched Sean while Pat, Brian, and I went to do a Segway Tour of Anchorage.  We had a lot of fun on them.  The have a max speed and since your not encased in a vehicle you feel like your really moving.  We were all shaky for the first minute but then we got the hang of it.  Its a bit like skiing.  So much so that we got off every 30 minutes or so to stretch our legs.  You can really feel it in your calves.

Later Y’all